Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stylistics - references

  • AVĂDANEI, Şt., La început a fost metafora, Editura Virginia, Iaşi, 1994.
  • BALLY, Ch., Traité de stylistique française, Genève, Paris, 1951, 2 vols.
  • BLOOM, H. (ed.), Modern Critical Views: William Faulkner, Modern Critical Views Series, Chelsea House, New York, 1986.
  • BRADLEY, S., BEATTY, R. C., LONG, E. Hudson (eds.), The American Tradition in Literature, vol. 2, Grosset & Dunlap, Inc., New York, 1967.
  • BROWN, G., YULE, G., Discourse Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989.
  • CHATMAN, S.,  Stylistics: Quantitative and Qualitative, “Style,” vol. I, No. 1, 1967.
  • CRYSTAL, D., The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996.
  • CRYSTAL, D.,  BOLTON, W. F. (eds.),  The English Language, Penguin Books, London, 1993.
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  • FAULKNER, W., The Sound and the Fury, Vintage Books, New York, 1990.
  • GALPERIN, I. R., Stylistics, Moscow, 1977, second edition.
  • GRAY, R. J., The Life of William Faulkner: A Critical Biography, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford & Cambridge, 1994.
  • HULBAN, H., Syntheses in English Lexicology and Semantics, Editura Spanda, Iaşi, 2001.
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  • HULBAN, H.,  (ed), Style in Language, Discourses, and Literature, vol II, Editura Lumen, Iaşi, 2004.
  • LEECH, G., M. Short, Style in Fiction, Longman, London and New York, 1990, eighth impression.
  • LEECH, G., Semantics. The Study of Meaning, Penguin Books, Second Edition, London, 1990.
  • LEECH, G., Principles of Pragmatics, Longman, London and New York, 1991.
  • McCARTHY, M., Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
  • NEAGU, M., Categories in Natural Languages: the Study of Nominal Polysemy in English and Romanian, Editura Alpha, Buzău, 1999.
  • NIDA, E., Morphology, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1970.
  • PALMER, F., A Grammar of English Words, London, New York, 1958.
  • PARTRIDGE, E., Smaller Slang Dictionary, Routledge & Keegan Paul, London, 1968.
  • SPITZER, L., Linguistics and Literary History. Essays in Stylistics, Russell & Russell, New York, 1962.
  • SWALES, J. M., Genre Analysis – English in Academic and Research Settings, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991.
  • TOOLAN, M., Language in Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics, Arnold Publishers, London and New York, 1998, Preliminaries.
  • ULLMAN, S., Language and Style, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1966.
  • ULLMAN, S., The Principles of Semantics, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, Jackson & Co., Glasgow, 1967.
  • ULLMAN, S., Semantics. An Introduction to the Science of Meaning, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1970.
  • ULLMAN, S., Meaning and Style, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1973.
  • VAN DIJK, T. A. (ed.), Discourse as Structure and Process, Sage Publications, New York, 1998.
  • VAN PEER, W. (ed.), The Taming of the text – Explorations in Language, Literature and Culture, Routledge, London and New York, 1991.
  • WALES, K., A Dictionary of Stylistics, Longman, London and New York, 1991, second impression.
  • WIDDOWSON, H. G., Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, London, 1997.
  • WINTER, W., Styles as Dialects, in Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Linguistics, The Hague, 1964.

Pragmatic Stylistics


Transferred Epithet

Newspaper Genres

Functional Styles

Research Topics

Two Basic Fields of Stylistics

Stylistics vs Literary Criticism

  We should not confuse stylistics with literary criticism.   Stylistics (or linguistic stylistics) is a branch of linguistics. It investi...